Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Laugh my stomach cramp ah ,,, how to do, but also laugh, ,,

1. Congratulations! Toad frog by the United Nations University, taking classes, Department of shame! Please bring proof of mental illness, take bus number 514 to fool a stupid way to die Street, get off, when you stand in front of the school enrollment giggle! -
2. If anyone bully you, tell you sister, I tied his limbs to move, QiQiao labeled as China Unicom, the face labeled color, the nose is labeled as straight, the head labeled as vibration, labeled flip front teeth ... -
3. I would like this information to remind the students, the University is to test it! -
Metersbonwe: not linked to unusual subjects! -
special steps: hanging branches! Deathly feeling -
nike: just hang it! -
Semir: test what, hang nothing! -
Melatonin: This year the festival is not hanging branches, hanging branches just hanging Courses -
Huiren Shenbao: he hung up and I hang! -
Li Ning: hanging branches, anything is possible! -
Want: You hang, I hang up, hang you! Hang hang! -
Houdy: we hang, is really hung! -
white with black: the day hanging a subject, not sleepy; night hang a Branch, sleep well -
of calcium in calcium: It is now hanging Branch ah, it high gold content, a subject linked to the top of the past five subjects and convenient! See my breath hanging five subjects, not strenuous, waist is not sour, not leg pain, but also strong and jumped out! -
4. I heard a meteor across the sky during the day wishing special spirit. I meteor day, I hope you become wiser. I rely on! You guessed how? The meteor actually the original way to fly back! -
5. Warring States period, you command all handsome, wearing a lid, wearing sacks, plastic bags tied around his waist, holding the lid, two foot cabbage ... shouted: ! break! rotten!!!
6. Do not studying a; too difficult! Tofu it! Tofu most insurance; -
hard to do is tofu! -
do is dilute the tofu brain! -
to do is thin tofu skin! -
do is milk gone! -
if not sell, put smelly friends, but also when the stinky tofu!
7. turtle injuries, so the snail to buy medicine, two hours later, the snail has not come back, the turtle scolded:
8. high school examination, the teacher made the test paper, took a more behind the girls, shouting,
results of the boys sitting next to me said it was
9. a bitch toward you from biting your feet, quickly swallowed a piece of meat, you room to move about to kick it, the dog tears, said: !
10. a puppy to climb the table, go to a chicken rub, the owner was furious and said: How do you dare to bird roast chicken, I dare you how. Results puppy licking chicken ass. Master faint. Dog Lock Road: sample, see who ruthless! -

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